Play it Forward - East Hampton is a non-profit community service program that was initiated by East Hampton High School athletes, Sydney, Drew and Sienna Salamy, in 2017. It is a branch of Play it Forward USA which was started by a group of athletes from Keller High School and is a program of The Pro Players Foundation 501(c)(3). The organization is dedicated to helping underprivileged youths who are held back from engaging in sports simply because they're unable to purchase the necessary gear.
Through local drives and events, Play it Forward collects gently used athletic equipment and clothing to distribute to those in need.
Your unwanted exercise equipment or sporting goods can be donated at
East Hampton High School on specified dates here.
participate in valuable team building associated with sports
help young adults build confidence
develop leadership skills and sportsmanship
find positive mentors in their coaches and teammates
improve academics and overall health
build time management skills
Your donation will give an athlete in need an invaluable opportunity to...